Meeting discussion points:
- Unpaid Subdivision Dues
- Maintenance needed in culdesacs
- Subdivision services out for re-bid
- General subdivision maintenance
- County petition for speed bumps
- Possibility of subdivision social gathering
Meeting Resolutions:
- Currently 30 homes are past due on their subdivision dues for this year and some for past years.
- Trustees will reach out to these homeowners through written and verbal means. If homeowners do not comply with payment, a lien will be placed on their home. The homeowner is responsible for all unpaid principle and interest accrued.
- Culdesac maintenance was requested from the homeowners living in the NorthWest corner of the subdivision.
- The homeowners living in that culdesac are willing to remove the dead plant life and clear the debris at their own expense. This request was approved by the trustees and those attending the meeting.
- Every year services provided for the subdivision must go out for rebid. A minimum of three bids must be received for each service offering.
- Complaints about general homeowner maintenance were raised.
- Those who attended would like to see more frequent lawn maintenance, mold removal from siding, and tree and shrub trimming.
- A concern about vehicle speed in the subdivision and culdesac areas were raised.
- There was a suggestion of new road signs depicting the speed limit, slow down, and kids at play.
- Another suggestion was to petition the county to install speed bumps at "hotspots" throughout the neighborhood.
- The lack of attendance at the subdivision meetings and the general lack of interest in subdivision affairs, raised the suggestion of forming a block party or other subdivision social gathering. The hope is to bring our neighbors together and form a better sense of community.
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